How to find a product?
Choosing the right automation components is one of the most important aspects of industrial automation to increase production efficiency. Realizing how many different options there are, we have created products' search tools to help you find what you are looking for.
To make the best component search experience, we recommend that you pay attention to the principles of how the tools work:
I. Filters
In subcategories that feature many products, we have created useful filters to help you select the component you need.
Example: |
Once on the "Automation components" page, we open the category called "Frequency Inverters, Soft Starters & Accessories" (we are not able to use the filters yet because we have not selected a subcategory).
After selecting "Frequency Inverters" subcategory, on the left we can see the filters, according to which we can select the desired manufacturer, power, voltage and series (different filter variants are available in different subcategories). |
II. Real-time search
To find a specific product faster, we have created a search field at the very top of the "Automation components" page.
How does it work? |
When searching by the component's name (e.g., "sensors"), you will first see the relevant (sub)categories (in this case "Inductive Sensors", "Level Sensors", "Photoelectric Sensors", "Industrial Sensors & Accessories") and only then the products themselves.
When searching by the component's series (e.g., "ms300"), you will get random selections of products in this series, thus, we suggest using a bit more specific information in your search. For example, by entering "ms300 7.5 kw" you will see MS300 series frequency inverter with a power of 7.5 kW.
When searching by the manufacturer (e.g., "delta electronics"), in the first place there will be the manufacturer's page, where you will see all of its products placed on our website; then - randomly sorted components. |
If you do not find the product you need, we suggest you contacting us and we will clarify about the specific component.
Telephone number: +370 666 52222
We respond in less than 12 hours.